Create a platform for consumers affected by the ongoing financial, emotional, physical and environmental consequences of deficient “Pressure Treated Wood Products”, to bring attention to the far reaching magnitude of damage and potential damage surrounding the issue to generate a voice for resolution.
PTSLC reporting and progress. 12 p.m. EST.
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For most consumers, pressure treated wood has always meant wood that is used for a project that needs to be impervious to the elements. Wood that can withstand just about anything and will last a long time. Until recently, this was true, but now we need to know more. Construction materials are not being treated the same as in the past, which is no longer leading to rot resistant wood.
This is an overwhelming issue that impacts every facet of wood from growth to use to disposal. We recognize that in order for the issue of pressure treated wood and its use to be solved for generations we need to work together. Here we have resources gathered so you can do some of your own research to understand the implication of the issue.
March 2017
PTSLC is born
March 2017 to help fight wood rot and other pressure treated lumber deficient issues
Pressure Treated Wood Definition and Industry Resources
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